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Contact Lenses

Welland Optical carries the highest quality optical lenses.  We take pride in the quality of our products and stand behind them 100%.

Book Your Appointment Today!

Persona HD Lenses

A New Breed Of Progressive High Definition Lenses.
This new breed of progressive high definition lenses, unlike most lenses, is polished with computer controlled precision, on the inner surface. This new technology enlarges the effective area of optimal acuity. For example, when one looks through a keyhole, the closer the eye is to the keyhole, the wider one can see. We utilize this same principle, by putting all of the optics on the inside of the lens, closer to the eye. Persona HD Lenses will increase your field of vision by up to 30% compared to conventional progressive lenses. Our pointfile software ensures that refraction on the inside of the lens is calculated to provide a one-of-a-kind lens, to perfectly match the wearer’s prescription. Persona HD Lenses achieve never before possible clarity, even if gazing upward, downward, or side to side. Lens distortion is also reduced by up to 20% over conventional progressive lenses

Lens Treatments


Availability in a variety of solid and gradient colors. Light tints reduce indoor glare.
Cosmetic tints – primarily used to enhance the finish of fine line frames and skin tone.Grey and brown used primarily for sunglasses, great for driving.

UV 400

Colorless coating.
Maximum protection necessary to protect the eyes from the harmful rays of the sun and other sources of Ultra Violet rays.
Helps in the prevention of cataracts.

RLX Scratch Coat

Primarily for plastic lenses.
Hard coat finish that protects the surface.

Anti-Reflection Coatings-AR

Anti-reflection coating substantially reduces glare and reflection.
99% light transmission to the eye.
Reduces ghost images normally associated with night driving, computer screens, flourescent light, etc…
Cosmetically appealing.
Water repellent, anti-static, smudge, stain proof.

Book your optical or hearing appointment today!

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm


95 Lincoln Street, Welland, ON L3C 7C3

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