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Why should you consider a hearing aid?

As you have seen, hearing loss can have a potentially devastating effect on life, however, most people wait for years before seeking help to correct hearing loss. Hearing loss can be a big deal to many people, changing the way in which you communicate and interact with your private, friends, and co-workers. The great news is that hearing loss can be effectively treated through consulting with an audiologist about getting fitted with a hearing aid that meets your individual needs.

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Hearing Aids Improve Your Quality of Life

Hearing aids provide a great option to help people improve their hearing. If you are experiencing any hearing loss symptoms or if you’ve been struggling with hearing loss for quite some time and haven’t considered a hearing aid, it’s important you are familiar with all the benefits hearing aids provide. You may very well change your mind!

Over the years, hearing aid technology has made significant advancements and with such discoveries hearing aids are only getting more advanced. Patients can choose from hearing aids that sit inside or outside the ear, and some hearing aids are even equipped with Bluetooth connectivity.  There are an assortment of different hearing aids available to patients; the key is to select the appropriate hearing aid that is suited to your hearing impairment, lifestyle, and particular tastes. Hearing aids will help keep you connected to your private and friends, assist in identifying speech in noise, keep you alert and in tune to what’s happening around you so that you can identity sirens, telephones, doorbells, alarms and other important sounds. Gain back a sense of control over your life with proper treatment for your hearing loss.

Treat Your Hearing Loss with a Hearing Aid

While hearing aids will never cure or restore your hearing, they will work wonders in improving your hearing and listening capabilities because they are designed to amplify sounds.  Hearing aids can typically be programmed to limit background noises that take place from certain directions.

With a quality hearing aid, all voices will sound much more clear, which in turn allows you to hear better and interact with others easier. Your ability to enjoy your favorite activities – listening to music, watching movies or having a dinner conversation with friends – will be dramatically improved.

Having a hearing test and getting a hearing aid fitted offers multiple benefits

  • Better hearing
  • Improved quality of life (e.g. social activity, feeling connected with people)
  • A higher level of general health
  • More satisfying communications at work, with friends and private, and in other circumstances (shopping, answering the phone, etc.)

At Welland Optical and Hearing Centre, our hearing care professionals will ensure you are fitted with the right hearing aid that addresses your hearing loss condition, customizing your hearing solution to your personal preferences. Need a hearing aid adjustment? We will look after you and adjust your hearing aid appropriately so you can get the most of it and enjoy optimal hearing care.

Book your optical or hearing appointment today!

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm


95 Lincoln Street, Welland, ON L3C 7C3

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